Join Us For Valentine's Dinner
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Movie: Moana

Movie: Moana

An adventurous teenager sails out on a daring mission to save her people. During her journey, Moana meets the once-mighty demigod Maui, who guides her in her quest to become a master way-finder. Together they sail across the open ocean on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous monsters and impossible odds. Along the way, Moana fulfills the ancient quest of her ancestors and discovers the one thing she always sought: her own identity.

Join us before the movie at 12 PM to make your own Moana-inspired necklace!

The Milford Theater Bar will be open one hour before the show, serving wine, beer, cocktails and concessions!

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Outdoor Adventure Kit- $25/ Item

Make the most out of your outdoor adventure in the Poconos with our Outdoor Adventure Kit. This kit includes essential items such as wet wipes, bug repellent, sunscreen, a keychain, bottled water, a granola bar, and a cooling towel to keep you comfortable and refreshed throughout your adventure. Add it to your hotel reservation now for a hassle-free outdoor experience.

S'more over campfire
S'mores Kit- $35/ Item

Enjoy a cozy fire-side snack for two in our beautiful garden! Your S’mores Kit will include marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate from Electric City Sweets.